Success Starts With One New Step


What's it going to take to double your training or consulting company turnover next year?

What one new skill would completely transform your business and the quality of your life?

Do you know what it is... and who can teach you?

If you know those things, then you are in a fortunate position.


Learning a new skill is hard. You have to make time to study. It must be a time when your energy and concentration levels are high or nothing will go in. And those times of the day are precious. So it's easy for work demands to steal this time.

Using a new skill is even harder. You have to get out of your comfort zone and risk your ego, your wallet, and your time.


When you focus on taking only one step. Change is less scary. Change becomes achievable.

How do I know this?



My Personal Development Journey Only Started Because The First Step Was So Easy...

My personal development journey began in 2012 with books and CDs.

Thanks to Brian Tracey, I turned my car into a mobile university.

But education only changes your life when you use it. And I did nothing with what I was learning because...

Change is hard!


Change is scary!

So, I turned my commute into "study" time convinced that this was the road to riches.

And it was. This was the start of my journey. Learning and being open to the idea of doing things differently.

But my journey didn't really start until I took action on what I learned.

The only reason why I took the first new step was that it was so easy.

I was listening to a recording of The Millionaire Mindset Intensive seminar. This was a 3 day seminar and the first day was making you realise that we spend money based on habits.

Some people earn money and never spend it.

Other people spend more than they earn... regardless of what they earn.

It made me see that I formed my money habits from watching my parents.

The second day built the need for a system to manage your money. And it addresses the thought on everyone's mind... that I'll manage my money when I make more.

This is like saying, I'll go to the gym once I've lost some weight.

You only reach your ideal weight by going to the gym. And you only grow your savings and wealth by managing your money.

The third day, gave you a system to manage your money and showed you how to use it.

The money management system is simply taking your monthly income and dividing it into different "buckets". The buckets are different savings accounts.

So, I liked the idea and thought it was worth a try. And the only thing I needed to do was set up 5 savings accounts.

Setting up the savings accounts took 5 minutes because I could do it online.

Then all I had to do was divide my monthly income in the recommended proportions.

The first thing I had to change was the proportions. The seminar recommends that you put 55% of your income in your Essentials account. This is the account that you pay your mortgage, car, food and entertainment.

55% of my income was not going to cover it. So I increased the percentage to 85%.

The other 15% was split between: Education, Giving, Savings, Play, Financial Freedom.

The Play account is the amount of money you HAVE TO SPEND every month.

To me this felt like an indulgent luxury.

It also made me feel richer, even though I wasn't earning any more money.

Why did I feel richer?

Because I could spend money without fear or guilt.

I also felt like I was taking steps towards changing my life because I had an education account. So, when someone recommended a book. I bought it. No debate. Just buy it.

I never did that before I had the education account. Before I debated buying the book for weeks before getting it or forgetting about it.

Similarly, the idea of spending a grand on a course seemed like something way beyond my means.

Then after a few months, I saw that I had made this saving. So if there was something that I needed to learn and grow. I could buy it without fear or guilt because I had saved the money.


What's The Moral Of The Story?

One simple new step changed my life.


The only reason why I took it was that it was easy.



I'm not going to lie, if you want to learn about copywriting, storytelling and product launches to grow your training company. It's not going to be easy. And when you look at those 3 things. It can feel overwhelming.

No one wants to feel overwhelmed before they've taken the first step. That's only going to make taking the step harder... or impossible.

So make the first step small. Make the first step manageable. Make the first step fun.

You see, there's one very powerful thing I learned from T. Harv Eker that has nothing to do with money management. It's that... we are creatures of habit.

So if you want to win. You've got to make winning a habit!

You might think that's crazy.



Here's How To Make Winning A Habit

The easiest way to make winning a habit is to set achievable goals.

If you want to exercise every day, set that as your goal. That way if you run 1km or 5km or 10km you are still winning.

The easiest way to fail is to say you are going to run 10km every day. Then when you are pushed for time or feeling tired. You do nothing.

If you want to learn a new skill to grow your training or consulting business. Set a daily goal that you can achieve.

This might be to study for 30 minutes.

If you study for an hour, great. And if you are pushed for time. You can still do your 30 minutes.

So set an achievable goal. Do it every day. And you'll make winning a habit.


My Life Changed Forever When...

I learned about product launches.

Product launches are marketing campaigns that combine upfront value, storytelling, social proof and an irresistible offer, to make sales.

I wanted to complete Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula course for months (possibly more than 12) before I did anything.

I took the entire month of December off to look after my 3 month old daughter. And I set myself a goal to complete the course before New Year.

That goal focused my attention.

That goal forced me to study for 6 hours a day for a month.


That's the only way I finished the course.

Short bursts of activity make a big goal "easier" to achieve. If you can find the time like this.


I couldn't do that today.

I couldn't take a month off to learn something new. So I make a daily habit to study. And that daily habit is small... only 25 minutes.

Why is it so small?

Because that way I make winning a habit. If I can study for longer then I will. And if I can't then I know that every day I am taking a step towards becoming the copywriter that I want to be.


Now It's Your Turn

Please make 2 simple decisions right now.

Decide what skill you need to learn to grow your consulting or training business.


Choose the time you will block out for study.

If you've found this useful, then please leave a comment below.

If this can help someone you know, then please share it with them.

Until next time...

Carpe diem

Roland Eva


P.S. If you'd like to learn more about the value driven system that I use to make multi 6-figures for my consulting clients. Then you read my book How To Turn Expertise Into Cash.

To download your free copy. Click the link below.

Here's a taste of what's inside:

  • How to find your ideal customer – those that desperately need your help and can pay for it.
  • How to test your business idea for FREE! And how to scale fast with the proof of market demand.
  • How to sell products and services at any price (£27 to £6,000) in any market without a sales team!
  • How to make yourself unique… even in a crowded market… so you never compete on price… and easily attract your ideal customer like bees to honey!
  • Remove the confusion, fear and doubt about turning your idea into a profitable business by following a proven 5-step system to make £672,989 in just 9 days!

To download your free copy. Click the link below.

About The Author

I'm a copywriter and business growth consultant, trainer and mentor that turns expertise into cash. I achieve that by telling true stories that inspire people to change their life. That's what makes people feel good about buying.

For the last 5 years, I've helped business owners to sell products and services in many industries. The products and services have ranged in price from £5 to £12,000.

My most successful campaign made £672,989 in 9 days.

I took that result and transformed it into a simple repeatable system. A system that I use as a consultant to create a giant leap in sales.

A system that I teach to ambitious entrepreneurs that want to make money on demand without a sales team.

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